Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A rant on worthless, vapid, American heiresses/party girls. Comments?

I hate these rich, pompous, little bimbo heiresses/party girls. They spend disgusting amounts of money on clothing and drugs and alchohol and rehab and bail and want the public's sympathy. I am so sick of hearing about how torturous fame is and how psychologically damaged they all are and how hard it is to be rich. I would love for one of those vacuous tramps to try to survive a normal person's life. They make a mockery of all American women and what's worse, girls have nothing but them to look up to!!!! What is wrong with this picture? I could support my family for a year on the money Paris Hilton spends in one shopping trip. I think what makes it worse for me is that all of them, every one of these party girls, is without talent, morals, humility, charity, or a shred of self respect. They do not deserve the lives they live. I can't wait until they all get old and ugly. Then everyone will stop caring how much of a mess they are.

Ok. I'm done. Any comments?A rant on worthless, vapid, American heiresses/party girls. Comments?

This isn't a question.A rant on worthless, vapid, American heiresses/party girls. Comments?
For some reason, Hollywood likes to adore the symbol of wealth and priviledge without caring about it's lack of content. Those gals will end up like Marliyn Monroe: adored for their sexuality but will have no serious suitors. Who wants to marry the town ho? Eventually they'll start looking as plastic as Joan Rivers or Michael Jackson in an insane bid to avoid aging. We see how Britney is too self consumed to care for her children properly, as a mother should. But then a more mature woman, who is self confident and doesnt seek approval of the Paris Hiltons, like Angelina Jolie, provides a much better example of woman and motherhood.
Yep. It always pisses me off.

You have thousands of children dying of poverty and these girls are complaining and saying there life is **** because there parents got them a used Mercedes.

Or Paris Hilton crying and saying she had nothing to live for because she was being put in jail...while some kid in the world REALLY has nothing to live for and is still fighting.

What has this world come too?

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