Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Under what circumstances is ';NO! NO! NO! Not God Bless America! GOD DAMN AMERICA'; not an Anti-American Rant?

Reverend Wright claims he was taken out of context.

In what possible context could this statement be anything other than what it so obviously is? The Anti-American rantings of a bitter bigoted man.Under what circumstances is ';NO! NO! NO! Not God Bless America! GOD DAMN AMERICA'; not an Anti-American Rant?
First of all, if America is so bad, why are so many people trying to get over here? The man means exactly what he says, he's trying to sugar coat it because of Obama. When you lay down with dogs you get fleas so don't tell me Obama can't be influenced by this man. Wright is exactly what you say, a bitter bigoted man. Notice how Obama's wife has just about disappeared since making the remark that ';for the first time in my life, I'm proud of America';. That's right Obama, when they tell how they really feel try to cover it up.Under what circumstances is ';NO! NO! NO! Not God Bless America! GOD DAMN AMERICA'; not an Anti-American Rant?
He is talking about the American government and he would be exactly spot on in his estimation's. No matter how much spin they put on it. The American leaders of today and the past are responsible for turning a nation that was at the start on the right tracks, into a train wreck today. If there were a God he would definitely damn America. It's a fact get over it. Oh and by the way Hillary already is President. If you think I support either Hillary or Obama you would be presumptuous and wrong.
Isn't this all old news?

Let me get this straight Obama never said God dmm America but it is his fault that someone he knows said it.

Barak never planted a bomb in the 60's but he is guilty because he knows someone who did.

In dirty politics if you can't find any trash that you can use against a candidate attack the reputation of anyone he knows and then use guilt by association.
Technically speaking, if a person follows God, and God doesnt like what America is doing, then religiously you would praise the wrath of God. Therefore, if you do not think the people of a country are doing God's will, you would want god to Damn the country. (im just stating this as an outward observations not a personal opinion)
God damning a place for the mistreatment of their people is biblical. Rev. Wright speaking out against Americas treatment of minority people is not anti-American. To call Rev. Wright a bigot is to say that he is intolerant of other races, religions etc., when it's you who judge him who are the real bigots
when you are trying to incite your fellow citizens with a passion and drive to make sure we don't make the same mistakes we made in the past that led to such a tragedy. I don't agree with his tone or tactics, but it's obvious when you take what he said in context, that this is what he was saying. ';we need to change our ways becuase look what our evil has caused'; Many other Cristian ministers have said similar things. Didn't one of them blame 9/11 on America because they won't outlaw gay marriage? Or was it something about God sending hurricane Katrina becuase of America's sins?
And he has preached to our political figures. which means they sit and listen to him, and believe him. Otherwise they would not go to him again, but he (Obama) went to him for years. that makes him a liability to the American way.

Hitlary is also a liability because she would not know the truth if it bit her in the face ( by the way she looks the only thing bitting her was UGLY)
i dont think this is an anti american rant and i do not agree but the fact is the US is polluting and we are like one of the most oil consumers and a whole bunch of us eat a whole lot while other countries have people with malnutrition and others with no food... almost everyone has a car.. in other countries they dont have cars... they use trains, and bikes, and they walk.. I do not agree with him but the fact is that we the Americans arent really doing our job as humans to try to keep the earth in shape.. we are not helping to stop Global Warming, we are helping to destroy the earth... thats probably has nothing to do with the subject but maybe thats why he said it...
I wonder about that and his statement that the United States Government infected the black community with HIV/AIDS, and got them hooked on drugs. If someone REALLY believed that their Government was that evil, wouldn't they move to Canda?
WHO is HE to command GOD to do anything? There is a pecking order, and wright ain't at the top!
George. He's back and talking. He is not helping Obama one bit now. Wait a few days. I expect him to say something that will incriminate Obama once again.
It is possible to love the country and hate the government.
Under no circumstances. The guy is now a good-for-nothing

lying preacher.
America has everything, chill out.
It's not rant. He's black, so he's allowed to do that. He can say whatever he wants, and it's OK. Isn't life great?
that blew my vote from obama right away (not that i would have voted for him anyway)(even if i was of age)
That sounds a bit...shall we say, bitter and angry!

mccain is the true american that respects this country and will lead us to victory in iraq
This white guy says it's not and I never believed it was:


Whites like to continue to blow it out of proportion. Mike Pfleger doesn't think so. You watch for yourself at the link above. Faux News gets owned.

The white media keeps bringing it up and hanging on its every word. Wright spoke to some reporter, and there goes the white media again, pouncing and miscontruing the facts trying to tie Wright to Obama once again when those are Wright's words and he's a FREE AMERICAN CITIZEN.

OBAMA is a FREE AMERICAN CITIZEN and you cannot put words into his mouth from another man.

McCain and Hagee, what do you think about that?

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